A beautiful place to blossom!
We are proud of our child centred environments that speak to the heart of the child. All our spaces, indoors and outdoors focus on natural open ended materials that engage children’s brains and imagination. This is a place where they can not only grow but also blossom!
Our homely, family environments are set up to create emotional safety. It’s only when a child feels safe they can engage in an activity and learn. Safety includes safety from overstimulation. Richness and nourishment for the heart doesn’t come from having lots of stuff around, but from select, carefully chosen items for children to interact with. There is beauty in simplicity.
We provide an environment where your child can be experiencing real life, not artificial activities that are disconnected from life. They are able to absorb life unfolding around them as they freely potter and tinker in their play. They can experience the ordinary with joy and see the magic in everyday moments.
In our natural outdoor environment your child will have access to a multi-sensory banquet where they can choose from a smorgasbord of offerings. They can use all of their senses to explore and to see beyond what is just on the surface. This is the perfect place to be a child, to create, to imagine and to dream.